Thursday 27 November 2014

High cost of dental care

We are lucky to have a dentist who is happy to come to us to do routine checks, which saves us transporting huge groups to his surgery in Malindi.
He also does these check-ups, which involve several staff, without any charge.
But follow up care we do have pay for,
His latest visit has resulted in 37 children, including the 12 in the picture, identified as needing follow- up care, including quite a number of extractions, mostly to align overcrowded teeth.
The average cost is ksh 1,200 per child. 
That brings us to a total of ksh 44,400 (approx £320)  exclusive of any other medications or aftercare services that might arise.
It's an expensive business, but we never take short cuts on our children's health, and plans are in hand to get them the treatment they need.
If you would like to help with the cost, you can make a donation at