The pressure of shock and grief proved too much for him. He could not afford to buy formula milk and could only feed his little Leah on
cow’s milk.
Unable to manage on his own, Leah was being left alone for many hours in the shade of a tree or in a room.
Unable to manage on his own, Leah was being left alone for many hours in the shade of a tree or in a room.
The mother of one of our day pupils alerted the Happy House to the family's plight and brought Leah into our care.
Leah's father is away arranging
his wife’s funeral and will meet with Uncle Billy to discuss her long term care
when he returns.
In the meantime, she is safe, loved, nourished and nurtured
as are all our Happy House kids and her arrival brings our number to an even 76.There's always room for another....