Sunday 30 June 2013

Plotting and planting

Sunday is the day our Happy House kids take over the blog  and this week we have a keen young farmer doing the writing.

This is Sifa. I am writing a blog about Young Farmers:
We  have  been   doing  many  things  at  the  garden.
All  the  big ones  normally  go  to  the  garden  on  Sundays. We  planted  cucumber  and  'cheery' tomatoes. 
Uncle  Tevin   is  very  happy   to  see  us  doing  well  at  the  garden. And  also  Hncle  Tevin does not   have to come and  to call  us,  as we  are  arranging ourselves  in  two  groups. We  are  behaving  well  and Uncle Tevin  is not  having to  come to  tell  us  that  is  time  for  garden  as we are looking at the time and  we all ready know.
 When  we go  there  we  are  looking   to take the  things  that  we  are  going  to use them.
Some  of  us  normally  take  the tools to  show  that  they  are  ready  to  work. 
And  if we  go  there we  are  asking  "What we are  going  to  do   next?"
And  on  Sunday  we  planted   maize  only.