Thursday, 1 March 2018

Good news for Francis

Francis is doing well on his treatment to the delight of his consultant is delighted.
And because of the unusual position of the infection, osteomyelitis, in Francis case, the surgeon is panning to write a specialist paper on it for medical journals.
Francis remains on the strong dose of antibiotics but he is gaining strength every day, and the special diet, with extra fruit and protein, that Mama has put him to build him up, seems to have given him more energy.
He is now going to try full days at school to see how he goes, but if he tires to easily he will go back to half a day.
There was also good news for in that we received some of the money we have spent on his treatment back from an insurance scheme, so along with the amazing donations we have received his treatment will be more than covered.
Mama said that any excess will, thanks to you, go into a medical fund to help with any other emergencies that arise in our large family.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and kindness to Francis and for ensuring that he has received the best private care available to us.
He now has a real chance of kicking a ball around with his pals again before too long.
But for now he continues to wear a leg brace to support his infected joint and will return to hospital in four weeks time.