They went along to Happy House children went on an exchange visit to Wings of Mercy Academy on the exchange programme which involves being asked and answering questions set by different teachers from both schools as per the syllabus.
The Happy House kids gained 25 points out of 30 to Mercy Academy's 14 points.
Wish list items
Our wish list of necessities is constantly changing so if you are planning to post a parcel or to visit our family, please do email sue@childrenofwatamu,net or to check the most wanted items of the moment.
Right now we need:
Box files for A4 memory boxes for our new children (you could always follow the example of our friend Pauline Royle who bought three which she is sending out, over time, packed full of other needed goods), WH Smith have them on offer at the moment, we are told;
Black ankle socks (all sizes from age two upwards) for our boys;
Underpants and knickers for our tiny boys and girls who are just being potty trained, so we can't have too many!
First bras for our growing girls;
Polycarbonate cutlery (we can't have too much).
Please send direct to the Happpy House as Mama and Papa now have a real packing challenge with everything donated they have already to get back with them. The Happy House postal address is: Sue Hayward's Happy House, PO Box 796, Watamu, Kenya, East Africa.
We are so grateful for everything you send, so if it's one pack of socks that is one pack more than we have now. Every single item counts and is so valued.
Thank you for being such fantastic friends.
Our wish list of necessities is constantly changing so if you are planning to post a parcel or to visit our family, please do email sue@childrenofwatamu,net or to check the most wanted items of the moment.
Right now we need:
Box files for A4 memory boxes for our new children (you could always follow the example of our friend Pauline Royle who bought three which she is sending out, over time, packed full of other needed goods), WH Smith have them on offer at the moment, we are told;
Black ankle socks (all sizes from age two upwards) for our boys;
Underpants and knickers for our tiny boys and girls who are just being potty trained, so we can't have too many!
First bras for our growing girls;
Polycarbonate cutlery (we can't have too much).
Please send direct to the Happpy House as Mama and Papa now have a real packing challenge with everything donated they have already to get back with them. The Happy House postal address is: Sue Hayward's Happy House, PO Box 796, Watamu, Kenya, East Africa.
We are so grateful for everything you send, so if it's one pack of socks that is one pack more than we have now. Every single item counts and is so valued.
Thank you for being such fantastic friends.