Wednesday, 30 May 2012

So far from home

It is so, so hard for Mama Sue and Papa Dave to be here in the UK ... thousands of miles apart from the very special family they have created.
But it is a sacrifice that they have had to make. As a charity, these are the toughest times, financially, that we have ever faced and with such a large family depending on us for its every need we have to find new ways of raising money.
Mama and Libby working on ways of bringing in new money, but we are also appealing to you to help, if you can, by holding fundraising events where you can.
Mama is keeping in touch  her team by email, phone and Skype, so all major decisions are being taken by her and once a week, at Kidz Club, she and Papa are talking - and seeing the kids -via Skype.
How exciting it is to see the kids, jumping up and down with excitement, as they see their Mama and Papa on the big TV screen in the family room.
The kids tell them their news (Oscar can now proudly show off his second top front tooth, which has finally appeared months after the first!), Linus gets up as close as he can just to check it his Mama on TV and Pendo pops up to give Auntie Libby a wave!
Mama and Papa smile their way through, but this enforced separation is heartbreaking for them both.
If you can help in anyway (with contacts that we can approach) or by involving your school, colleagues or friends in fundraising, please let us know. 
Whatever you can do is so appreciated. Right now it is money that we need.
You show your love and loyalty for our kids in so many ways and are so generous and we thank you and love you for that. 
If you can help please email: or