Friday, 27 April 2012

Thanks (grazie)

Thank you to Scott Webster of Royal Wootton Bassett and his friends at South Cerney Golf Club for donating £85 raised on their recent golfing weekend.
Thank you also to Paula Lochrie for hosting a Pampered Chef evening with raffle which raised £145 for the Happy House. Thanks to her mum Brenda Groves for her help and to everyone who went along.

Grazie a Scott Webster ei suoi amici a South Cerney Golf Club per la donazione di £85 alzato il loro fine settimana di golf recente. 
Grazie anche a Paula Lochrie per ospitare una serata Pampered Chef con la lotteria profittato £ 145 per la Happy House. Grazie alla sua mamma Brenda Groves for il suo aiuto ea tutti quelli che sono andati avanti.