Sunday 29 April 2012

Our Oscar (Il nostro Oscar)

There's something so special about adding a Happy House child to your own family.
The relationship you can build is so personal that you really feel you know and love "your" sponsor child even though you may  never  have met.
Louise Webster, the special lady who sends out details of "their" children to our sponsors,  and her husband Gary,  from Leyburn, Yorkshire, have been sponsoring Oscar since he arrived at the Happy House and he shares his date of birth with their own daughter Grace.
Grace thinks of him as her "twin" and he figures in everyday chatter about family life.
Now Garce's younger sister Alice is old enough to travel to Kenya, Louise and Gary have booked tickets to fly out next summer so, at last, they and Oscar can be together at last!
"After our first visit to Kenya in 2004 I did a web search for charities in and around Watamu and found Sue's website. I then contacted her and when the building of the Happy House started we set up sponsorship to help with the build and which would later go to sponsoring a child there. 
"When we were allocated "our child" it certainly felt like it was meant to be - Oscar was born on exactly the same day as our daughter Grace. Twins in two different continents. 
"We are planning to visit the Happy House next year and can't wait to meet Oscar. Grace is counting the days until she can meet her twin brother. We all feel such a bond with this little boy. His photo is pride of place in our house and as you can see is cherished by the girls."
*Grace is pictured with the football shirt they sent her "twin brother" last Christmas and Grace and Alice with the photo of Oscar which takes pride of place in their home.
*If you would like to know more about sponsoring a Happy House child please email

C'è qualcosa di così speciale sponsorizzare uno dei nostri figli ..
Si può mai soddisfare, ma il rapporto si crea è così personale che vi sentirete davvero che conosci e ami "il tuo" bambino.
Webster Louise e suo marito Gary, dal Leyburn, Yorkshire, sono stati sponsor Oscar da quando è arrivato alla Happy House e condivide il suo compleanno con la sua Grazia figlia.
Grazia pensa a lui come suo "gemello" e pensa chiacchiere quotidiane sulla vita familiare.
Ora sua sorella minore Alice è vecchio abbastanza per recarsi in Kenya, Louise e Gary hanno prenotato i biglietti per volare fuori la prossima estate e, infine, e Oscar possono finalmente stare insieme!
Louise è la donna speciale che invia i dati ai nuovi sponsor della "loro" bambino, un lavoro molto speciale che Louise ha brillantemente. Lì ultima visita Watamu la Happy House era in costruzione, in modo da tornare per vedere come è oggi una casa famiglia meravigliosa - sarà un sogno che si avvera.
* Grazia è raffigurata con la maglia di calcio ha mandato il suo "fratello gemello" lo scorso Natale e Grace e Alice, con una foto di Oscar prende il posto d'onore nella loro casa.
* Se vuoi saperne di più su sponsorizzazione di un bambino per email