Monday 25 June 2018

Skin problems come with the rains

With the rains come the insects and the parasites and this year they have been more of a  problem than ever.
Mama Sue writes:
Today myself, Papa, Aunty Millicent and Musyoka, took Lucky, Sudi, Abu and Fatuma back to the dermatologist in Malindi.
 All the children have had ongoing skin problems, now, thankfully, well and truly on the mend.
One of the conditions was contagious, even just shaking hands can spread it from one to another.
Lots of children at school have also had this painful condition. 
But with vigilance, the right treatment, and care all are on the mend.
Keeping the infestations and invaders out is an ongoing process.
We have tried many different methods in the bedrooms of controlling the insects, the one we have found most effective is a chemical called Gladiator. It is made into a solution with water, the floors are then sprayed as are the corners of the walls and windows. 
The doors and windows are closed for one hour, the rooms then well ventilated before bedtime.
In the girls bedrooms they are  open up to the makuti
 We are now having to put ceilings in every room and in the bathroom as we  to control the influx of insects,
 It is costing £1,100 but is worth every shilling to protect our children, from disease and infections.