this was to recognise the huge efforts they had put into helping to market the high school to local parents who may be looking for a school for their kids to move on to in January.
With the help of the teachers, the students created leaflets on what we do which were distributed locally..
We had three parents meetings in just one week and after a brief talk the parents had a guided tour to the various stations where students learn. This included the science laboratory, Smart TV rooms, computer room, music room, library and the classrooms as well.
All the students and teachers were been given new school T-shirts with logos on the back; “Happy House Secondary School” for the students and “Happy House Secondary School- Staff” for the teachers.
Mama told the students tehy could wear the t-shirts and trousers throughout the week instead of the PE shorts.
They are all grown up now and with trousers they will look different from the primary school kids.
Everybody was really pleased and left wearing the yellow T-shirts and looking smart.
There was also some fruit salad made special for them, everybody enjoyed.
Many thanks to Mama and Aunty Libby for the new uniforms and the fruit salad respectively.