Sunday 13 May 2018

My life, by Rukia

My name is Rukia I am a young girl who has a very nice and  loving place to be taken care of at Happy House.
 I am in standard 7 and really working hard in my studies.
 I love all the people who belong to Happy House family, they are all nice to me and really helpful to me not only to me but also the all the kids at Happy House. 
Happy House is a place where you find happiness and love. Our Mama Sueis raising us all with a spirit of loving, sharing and caring about others.
Nobody is there to criticise us or shout at us.
 We get the best education with the help of our teachers, I love the way they teach, correct us and understand all our problems with different subjects.
 I never liked mathematics but because of their advice and teaching I now really like mathematics, we also have different sports with different schools which the teachers are able to notice talent. 
My talent is singing I love singing and I have the passion in me, and my dream is to be a musician when I grow up. 
We all have different talents so if you have one don’t ignore it because it may one day make famous. That’s all I have for today may you all have a nice day.