name is Samson, I am in STD 7 at school.
came to live at Happy House when I was seven years old.
It is fun being at Happy House
with Mama, Papa, Uncle Ronald, Aunty Rose and all the other staff.
Recently we had a slide show whereby we were looking at pictures from the CDs in our memory boxes which are kept in Mama's office.
Iit was very funny looking at the pictures when
everybody was small and how funny they looked.
I realized that when I was small
I didn’t have any teeth on the front upper jaw but now I have more than when I was seven years.
best subjects are social, science, maths and English. I love speaking English
very much and learning mathematics and other subjects in class.
We closed
school on April 6. I was the master of ceremony
during the closing dayevent.
I am glad to be at Happy House in a loving and caring family
and home.
Thank you Mama for giving me a wonderful opportunity to be at Happy House