Monday, 16 April 2018

Demonstrating their skills

Looking back at what they have been learning about computers ended the week on a high for our Happy House kids.
On Friday, several youngsters put on presentations for Mama, Papa and the family to illustrate how much they had gained from holiday activities geared to increase their computer skills.
They showed how they could use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, email and the internet.
Uncle Ronald says: "It was fantastic, the kids did it very well. With the help of their fellow students and the teachers our kids had really learnt a lot just  one week.
Rukia and Musyoka did presentations on using email, Florence handled PowerPoint whilst Natasha Franco's presentation was on Word.  John showed how to sue the internet and how to download items, whilst Benedict's presentation was on Excel.
There will be more demonstrations of skill as the holiday programme is on going and the kids are enjoying every minute.