Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Classrooms in the making

All the stops pulled out to get our four new classrooms finished in time for the new year.
With costs rising escalating, every effort to minimise our spend.  Joiner Charo has made all the doors and window frames, Papa Dave has been talking to local businesses to see how they could help and has received some kind donations of nails, bags of cement, sand etc.
And the kids have worked so hard to collect stones around the Happy House grounds to be used for for ballast and transported them down the lane to school - another contribution to keeping the costs costs down.
Mama joked in her Christmas message that  her reply to Papa telling her "Rome wasn't built in a day" was "It would have been if I was clerk of works!"
And she wasn't kidding. When Mama wants a job done, no one lets the grass grow under their feet.
The building is going on rapidly and is on course to be ready for school opening in early January.
We are grateful to everyone who has fundraised or made donations to our building fund, to make a donation go to: