Saturday, 27 February 2016

Safari dream comes true

 The trailblazing Happy House kids who were the first to pass their the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education exams and go on to secondary school are set to go on a big adventure.
Way back when they started their exam year,  Mama gave the kids on our scholarship scheme or living in our family a huge incentive to work hard - "Pass the exam and we'll take you on a safari".
For these kids, coming from circumstance of great hardship, visiting a national game park to see for themselves their country's rich heritage of wildlife was something they could only dream about.
But noone knows better than Mama how hard work, determination and effort, can make dreams come true..
Tomorrow 14 young people,  accompanied by Mama Sue and Papa Dave, head teacher Madam Milka and their class eight form teacher, Mr Isaac, set off from Tsavo East National Park.
After breakfast at the Happy  House they will take the road trip to Tsavo and will watch hippos and crocodiles wallow and bask, before heading on to the hotel that will be their base,  taking in the wildlife, sights and scenery on the way.
Afternoon and evening drives, with expert guides, will take them in search of more wildlife, while they will also have a chance to relax and swim.
Mama has made sure they have all they need. Towels, swimsuits, baseball caps, toiletries were handed out to everyone on Thursday . They will wear their Happy House School tee shirts when they meet for dinner so that everyone looks smart,
"They are just so excited," said Mama "it's as if they can believe it is happening to them!"
And needless to say the cost has been kept to a minimum, with Papa negotiating and excellent price!

  • If you would like to make a donation to help cover the cost of this trip or to help support our family at Happy House, please go to
  • We still have a lot of scholarship students who need sponsors - people to help support their education and to give them friendship and encouragement. For £20 a month you could help to transform a life. Please email