It has been a very eventful 18 months for us here in the UK to say the least. My health has been a big problem, but I look on the fact that I was lucky to be here when I needed good medical treatment for various problems.
My latest escapade of having what was already a replacement hip replaced for the second time has been long and very painful experience.
I am still on crutches after six weeks and I know it will take a while yet but when I see my children, catch up on all their news, hear their laughter and singing I know the pain will be forgotten.
Billy emailed to say the excitement in the house is building and bubbling everyone has something to tell Mama. The bus has been booked and everyone wants to come to the airport so at the last count with children and adults we will have a welcome committee of well over a hundred.
Dave and I feel so privileged to be truly loved by so many.
Elizabeth and I have worked hard together to raise awareness and funds for the family and have been truly amazed how things have progressed. I was asked to speak at the Rotary Conference in Scarborough last March, a thrilling experience, which has resulted to so much more support for our work with the children.
When I have not been well enough to do some of the work Elizabeth was always there to help, support and love me. She is coming home with us tomorrow for a month, so we feel as though we have gone full circle together
The kidz just love their 'Auntie Libz'
My lovely Dave has been just brilliant at taking care of me, nothing has ever been too much trouble, day or night. When my hip first went on the blink I was in hospital for nine weeks and he came three times a day.
When I came home after the first and then the second operation he was always there to love encourage and support me emotionally & physically.
He is so looking forward to being at home again.
When the children are on Skype they torment him without mercy. He loves every minuet of it !
He has not been without problems himself, he has had two cataracts removed and
just three weeks ago he was diagnosed with a malignant melonoma on his
We thought our stay would again be extended but we managed to make an appointment at the local private hospital, the surgeon removed the growth the following week and assures us everything is clear and that he does not need any follow on treatment.
Thank you God.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us in such different ways during our time here. Some days it has just been too much to be away from our children for so long, so many of you understood, and encouraged us along what turned out to be a very bumpy road.
I always held onto the thought that God does not give you anything that you and he cannot cope with together.
Lots of love Sue.