She is very tired, sore and bruised, but is in very good hands of surgeon Steve Mannion and the orthopaedic team at Blackpool Victoria Hospital.
Mr Mannion kindly put an update on our Happy House Facebook after the operation on Thursday night: "I am sure everyone will be pleased to know that all went well in Mama's operation today!"
A Blackburn welcome
Retired NHS staff gave Elizabeth such a warm welcome when she went to tell them about our Happy House family yesterday.
There were a couple of technical hitches, the major one sorted thanks to new member Barry.
Everyone was so interested to hear Mama and Papa's inspiring story and to see pictures of our lovely children and the transformations worked on their little lives by our Happy House magic.
Elizabeth's answer: They're family!I am sure, if you had 72 grandchildren you'd know all their names and personalities!
The fellowship were very generous and a collection raised £106.96, plus there was a donation of £30 from the club.
Every penny will be spent wisely to help our children. Thank you to all of you for being so kind and so welcoming.