Saturday, 2 November 2019

Thanks from Class Eight

This has been the final term in Happy House Primary School for our Class Eight students who are about to sit their Kenya Certificate of primary Education Examinations.
It's the culmination of long, hard, studies.  But for these youngsters it's also a time to look back on those who have helped them to get to this important examination.
And Class Eight chose scholarship student, Sakina, to speak on their behalf at Closing Day.
She thanked Mama Sue and Papa Dave for their guidance, their support and for creating their wonderful school  with it's excellent teachers and facilities and and for providing nourishment  ensuring that no child ever had to study on an empty stomach.
She said how grateful they were for the computers suite and the android tablets  and Smart TVs which brought the world to them.
Sakina also expressed their gratitude  to their teachers who had helped, encouraged and guided them through their studies "loving us like parents".
And finally she spoke of their love for their parents for loving and looking after them as they do.