Monday, 15 July 2019

Buy a bus appeal

As we start this new week, I hope the  Happy House kids will make you laugh right through until Saturday, writes founder Mama Sue.
We are launching an appeal to help us buy a new bus. I talked to the children about it and they all wanted to join in. They got themselves into groups and decided what and how they wanted to do their part. 
Singing of the song   ‘Wheels on the Bus ‘ was a combined decision. 
The kids have rehearsed all week. Every afternoon when they came home from school, it was a drink of Moringa tea, a quick change and then into rehearsals. They have laughed, danced and sang their way through the week.
We will explain about the condition of this 20 year old bus as the week goes on. Mechanically it is safe, as we always have the repairs done immediately. But now that there are so many repairs it is becoming a constant expensive.
We would like to raise £25,000 to enable us to buy a good, strong and more up-to- date vehicle.

Donations can be made through Justgiving or Paypal
or our friends who who already donate, can give directly into the charity bank account 
We will keep you up-to-date throughout the week as you enjoy the fun with the children.