Sunday, 27 August 2017

Thank you for my chance by Ann

 Scholarship student Ann Joseph has excelled since being given a free place in our school.
Having been given a chance of an education, she understands that to make it work you must work hard.
Ann is sponsored by Andrea Manders, who travelled out to Kenya for the first time this summer and go to meet the three children she is helping through her sponsorship.
Ann is the eldest of them and Andrea has given her constant support and encouragement through letters and emails, so it was a real pleasure for them to meet at last.
Anne writes today's blog:
My name is Ann.I am in form one secondary school.
 First I would like to thank Mama for bringing the volunteers who come to our school.
 I hope they are enjoy being here and feeling our HAPPY HOUSE POWER!
 I also want to thank them for their great support.
Andrea  has been of great importance ,which makes me proud because what she has done for me is good and has even motivated me to work even harder because this is a golden chance that I could not have been able to get anywhere else.
I am not taking this chance for. granted.
I am giving thanks to  Mama for this free education she has offered to us and all the things she has been giving us, including text books, a special laboratory for conducting practical experiments, a study room,  new computers and for providing breakfast club so we eat before school..