Wednesday, 8 February 2017

School report: Races and paper shapes

 Practising for an upcoming sports competition has provided all action fun for our Kindergarten kids. Madam Getry says they will be taking part in a football, tyre race, sack race  and running.
Madam Getry's KG 3 class enjoyed a creative session when they folded paper into shapes and after showing them how to make shapes like egg trays and boats, the children used their imaginations to come up with some interesting creations of their own.

Computer Appeal

We have to raise £3,500 to buy new computers, and to breathe new life into those which are in need of repair.
Learning computer skills is vital to the future of children in our Happy House School and we need to ensure that we have enough in good working order in our computer room for each child taking a class there. At the moment they are having to share which does delay learning time.
Please help our kids be ready to embrace a high tech awaiting them by donating to our Let's Do I.T. Appeal online at