It was a hot week, specially for our team of helpers who gave their time and energy to assist in the shop, serving customers and putting out new stock and keeping the displays looking as tidy as possible.
The premises are owned by Poulton Methodist Church. It lets the shop out to a different charity each week throughout the year in return for a fixed commission from takings.
Over six days, we raised, after commission, £709 which will go towards supporting our scholarship students.
Special thanks to all our customers, some who came in to see us every day, and to everyone who helped out.
And an extra thank you to Friday's team Heather Butler-Bancroft and Alison Bott who stayed on to help Helene and Peter Stephens, Susan Carr and Libby Gomm get all the items left (and there was lots!) sorted out ready to donate to other good causes who will make use of it in their work with those made homeless or in recovery, and the unusable and rubbish to the tip.