The charity, which recycles unwanted furniture from schools and offices undergoing refurbishment, plus factory surplus, has, since 2009, provided almost all our furniture in our Happy House home and school.
Terry Burns, co-founder of the charity, and other trustees have been out to visit and Terry and his wife, Wendy, have become good personal friends to Mama and Papa.
Knowing from the blog that our stores are depleted because troubled times have resulted in fewer visitors to Watamu this year, FEW made a generous donation to buy clothing and other necessities for our family.
Mama, Papa and Elizabeth went shopping to fill a suitcase with most-needed items which Mama and Papa will take home for our family and for school. Along with the parcels some many of you are so generously sending should ensure all our 87 children have a new outfit this Christmas.
We are so grateful to Terry, Wendy and to all the trustees and friends of FEW for being so kind and to everyone who is responding to our parcel appeal. Thank you.