Monday, 12 May 2014

Rain, rain ...please don't go away!

 While those of us in the UK and colder climes are wishing for some hot sun,  our Happy House family is celebrating the coming of the rains.
The months and weeks leading up to the late arrival of this year's rainy season has brought soaring temperatures and air pressure.
It has been uncomfortable for everyone, and trying to grow anything in the parched earth has been an uphill struggle, which brings its own hardships to many..
So there was great rejoicing when the heavens opened for the first real rain for weeks.
Uncle Billy says: "The heavens have opened and we can't be thankful enough for the blessing showers that will nourish and cool the earth to he comfort of  all plants and mankind.
Many thanks to our creator"
* The rains have, however, made it difficult for volunteer Scott Webster to do as much in the garden as he had hoped.
Uncle Scott, a great friend to Mama, Papa and all our family, is a keen gardener back home in Royal Wootton Bassett and on his visits to the happy house has done much to help our own gardeners with cultivating, pest control and crop rotation and, at other times, is in weekly communication with help and advice.
Uncle Scott, and his wife Laura, are in Rose Safari's sponsor family and Scott and bought her this lovely outfit.