Saturday, 18 January 2014

That family feeling is everywhere

Volunteer Coral Blackhurst is nearing the end of her latest stay with our family.
It's been her fourth year, and each time she spends several months helping out in school or wherever she is needed.
Auntie Coral, from the Isle of Man, writes: " I fell in love with Happy House four years ago and it has given back so much to me in my life.
"One of the things I am always taken with is the total concept of family that Mama Sue and Papa Dave have engendered here..
" All the children look after each other and ,within that wider sense of family, their original family unit still exists for those who have siblings..  
"You watch a sister leading her little brother by the hand.  If something is happening or the children are needed the bigger ones race off to fetch the tiny ones or the babies. 
" The other day  I watched the children practising for their end of year athletics.  One smaller boy was leading in the second lap of the relay and as the others passed him in their desperation to win he was accidentally tripped up and lay on the field sobbing, more with disappointment than pain.  
"With one accord the entire school rose raced to him picked him up and comforted him.
"When I look around at the end of the school day there are the children in  little groups, swinging, reading books, kicking footballs, playing hopscotch or skipping.  
"All the activities  I enjoyed as a child when we relied on our own initiative and imagination to make our own entertainment.
"There is a buzz of laughter and fun and wellbeing.
"The sign on the gate says Happy House and once through it you know that is exactly what it is and more -  it is a truly happy home."