It was a landmark day for Uncle Billy when the Happy House hosted the inaugural meeting of the CCI Network.
from 15 Charitable Children’s Institutions from the Malindi area
gathered to talk about the ways they could work together to improve the
services they provide to their children.
sharing experiences, information and advice on situations they
encounter they hope all the children’s homes families will benefit and
be enriched.
Sue, as director of the Happy House, spoke about how she had come to be
in Kenya and the beliefs that had driven her to develop her Happy
Billy, our hardworking and dedicated social worker, has been working
towards setting up this network for the past year and the first meeting
was the culmination of his tireless efforts.
visitors were shown around our home and Evans, Margaret and Samson
joined the meeting and chatted confidently and happily about being Happy
House kids.
said: ‘’Billy has worked so hard towards setting up this network and
now we have a real chance to show how we are changing the way that
children are being cared for. By sharing our own experiences we will
all grow and, I hope, improve what we are doing for children.’’
The network will meet monthly, hosted by a different institution each time, and
the next meeting will take place on January 23 in Malindi.