Sunday 12 October 2014

Helping at home - by Fikiri

Junior blogger today, Fikiri,  likes to help where he can
It was on Saturday morning after taking breakfast, I went to the laundry I found Aunty Neema and l asked her if she wants help.
She told me please to take the clothes and iron them.
When I finished I helped her with washing more clothes.
I was greatly blessed when I saw Aunty Neema very happy.
I went to the garden I found Uncle Alex as busy as a bee and I asked him if l could lend him a hand, he told me l could help him with harvesting of cabbages. I did that very quickly then I then took the cabbages to the kitchen.
When l took the cabbages, the Uncle requested for tomatoes and lady fingers so l rushed to the garden and told Uncle Alex to supply me with tomatoes and lady fingers and took them to the kitchen.
Thank you
from Fikiri