Wednesday, 23 November 2011

A story unfolds ,..

This is the last week of term and also the end of another school year for our children.
They are getting ready for all the special events of the season whilst also marking their academic achievements.
The school nativity and graduation ceremony, which will be performed for guests plus families of our fee-paying pupils and any relatives of our own children who may be able to come along.
So making sure everything is spot on and that the kids know just what to do, and when, requires some serious rehearsing!
And these pictures show the cast of our nativity play at their dress rehearsal yesterday and don't they look wonderful. Volunteer Coral Blackhurst and our teachers have worked so hard to get thm ready (and volunteer DawnHeather White did so much to help too before she left for home last weekend)
Sadly, I arrive back in Kenya a day too late  ... but I'm hoping I might just get an action replay sometime while I there!