Tuesday 26 June 2012

A toddling triumph

Today, our handsome Harry is two...and a real little charmer!
His is a story of triumph over tragedy, of survival against the odds. And it is the epitome of everything the Happy House stands for as it turns sad, hopeless, little beings into joyful, healthy children with everything to look forward to.
It is two years today since Harry was found cast away on a rubbish tip in a plastic bag - eight weeks premature, weighing just over 1.5kg, with the umbilical cord still attached and the placenta in the bag with him.
As a local woman was passing the tip she heard the tiniest whimper and felt compelled to seek out its source - she opened the bag and found our Harry. Within a few minutes of her rescuing him the tip was covered with scavenging dogs. 
Harry was a desperately sick baby, clinging to life, but his will to live was not to be beaten.
Mama Sue and the Happy House, informed by Malindi Hospital of their newest admission,  stepped immediately offering to meet the costs of all his medication, to provide formula milk,  clothes, nappies and visits. 
With so much love and help, Harry confronted and conquered every obstacle put in his way and exactly eight weeks later reached 2.2kg and was well enough to go home to his Happy House family and his home for life.
In his first year, Harry's health had its ups and downs, but he bounced back from everything with the biggest smile and the most delectable dimples.
His second year has brought many milestones - he started school (before he could walk) refusing to stay in the baby banda when all the other toddlers were trooping off to nursery.
Where they went, Harry would follow.
He's walking now. That was a slow process. Why walk, when all you have to do is twinkle those dimples, and someone, anyone,  housemum, auntie, gardener, Mama or a big brother or sister, will pick you up and give you a lift?
Finally, everyone agreed with Mama that the only way to get Harry walking would be to let him stay put. And soon enough, with lifts off limits,  off he went... as fast as his sturdy little legs would carry him.
As you can see from our pictures (with Peninah, Rose and Linus),  Harry is truly scrumptious. 
He, like all our kids, is loved and loving.
His triumph is Mama's triumph too.
All her work is driven by the desire to "make a difference" to young lives. To put hope into young hearts born into unbearable hardship.
Each one of our 58 children, glowing with health and happiness,  is an example of the difference Mama is making.  
And every one a testimony to love.
Happy birthday Harry.