Monday, 13 June 2011

Fw: Learning - a serious business!

In the last of her reflections on her recent visit to the Happy House volunteer Dawn Heather White  shares some of her pictures of our school's youngest pupils!

"Now that the younger children have joined the baby class they are taking their education very seriously. Stevie and Sauma have been been practicing their reading while Sauma is also working on her communication skills! "
Fun night reminder
Steph Hill, who sponsors Lily, is staging a Happy House charity night at Poulton Golf Club, Breck Road, Poulton, near Blackpool, on Friday, July 8, from 7.30pm. 
Live band, Elf and Safety, will be providing the music and there will be a raffle and auction with great prizes up for grabs. It's a family night, and while there's facepainting for kids, there's also a chance to get those toes sparkling, for older girls, with Twinkle Toes. DJ Beej will also be doing his stuff and there's a buffet too. Tickets are  £5 from  Steph oon 07595 339 669.
It was a really fabulous, fun night last year, so if you live near enough please come and join us.