Some comfy new seating will give our biggest family room a cosier feel for our kids. Sue tells me: "During the school holidays the children would all come in the office for a chat, to colour or read a book.
"One day Francis, Linus (pictured) and Mwende were all asleep on the settee. Some days at least 20 would be sat in reception outside the office talking, playing, or laying down.
"I have thought for a while now that there is no where the kids can relax in comfort. If they watch the television they are sat on hard chairs.
"I have looked at furniture made locally but it would not be strong enough for our ever growing family of 53 children, in no time it would be ruined, so I had the idea of making some seating the same we have in reception, it is comfortable and very hard
wearing. It will be great for the children, more of a lounge area. I still have some of the red material we used in reception left and some of the check, like the curtains for scatter cushions, so it will all match in nicely."And ever mindful of the expense Sue adds: " It will not cost much as we had sand and cement, some blocks and the material so I only have to pay the labour and buy the foam."
The picture of some of the kids sitting pretty in reception was taken by visitor Esther Awuor Okola a couple of weeks ago.