Saturday 31 December 2011

Harry ho!

Our little miracle Harry is the happiest chappie in the world!
His cheeky smile and delicious dimples win the heart of everyone who visits our family.
However Harry,  who was one in June, has been on the verge of walking for weeks now but has been reluctant to strike out on his own.
He has been tantalisingly close to taking solo steps, then plonked down back on to his well-padded bum.
So it's lovely to see these pictures which came from Uncle Billy yesterday and show Harry going it alone towards 2012.
Billy tell me " Finally Harry is taking his first steps albeit as cautious as no other  known family member so far!"

Friday 30 December 2011

Growing demands

It's the start of a new school year for our Happy House kids next week and, as every parent knows, a new term brings with it more expense.
Our children are growing so fast that they soon need new uniform and shoes. A tall order with a family as large as our own.
Mama Sue took seven  children to Malindi to be fitted for new school shoes and also had to buy 30+ pairs of black PE pumps for our kids children too.
The bill came to a whopping £107.
If anyone can help by sending black school shoes or black pumps, to fit ages from two to 14, we would be so grateful. Every pair donated is one pair less we have to buy.
If you would like to help the address is Sue Hayward's Happy House, PO Box 796, Watamu, Kenya, East Africa.
You may prefer to send a donation towards the cost of new shoes in which case you can send a cheque made out to the Happy House to Elizabeth Gomm, 6 Burwood Drive, Blackpool, FY3 8NS.
And, as always, thank you.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Going up!

Marco Narizzano is a regular visitor to Watamu and a very good friend to our Happy House family.
He works for the Bravo Group in Genova, Italy, and thanks to his very supportive colleagues there we now have a brand new water tank - big enough to cope with the demands of our family. 
Sue tells me: "We have known for quite a while that we needed a larger water tank, but as always the cost was prohibitive. 
"When we received the very generous donation from Marco and his colleagues at Bravo Tankers in Genova we knew we could buy the tank we need.
"As you can see by the pictures it was no easy job to get the tank 30 feet up on to the tower. 
"The tank itself holds 10,000 litres of water. As the family and the school are growing we needed a better water supply, for the toilets, washing and cleaning. We have to pump the water from the well and as the other tank was too small the pump was continually running and always in need of repair as it would burn itself out. Now it will pump to fill the tank and that will last us for around three days before we need to pump again.
"Marco his friends colleagues and family have been a great support to the Happy House Family from the beginning.
"When the Happy House was being built they raised funds for us to have a banda built in the garden so  the children could play in the shade."
Getting the tower on to the tank, using only manpower and with ropes instead of a crane, was quite a spectacle and everyone turned out to have a look!
Marco is due to arrive in Watamu shortly and everyone at the Happy House is so looking foward to seeing him again and showing him the splendid new tank.
Thank you Marco and friends at Bravo for you kindness and generosity.      

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Who shall I be today, dear?

In five days, Alistair Hendrie became five very different and colourful characters all for the Happy House.
Alistair, who with his partner Val Black works for Lend Lease in Birmingham, came up with a novelty way of raising more than £1000 cash for our kids buy wearing fancy dress to work every day for a week.
Alistair didn't bat an eyelid at going out to meetings on construction sites dressed as Dennis the Menace or Fred Flinstone, or encountering the suited officials at local authority meetings in the persona of a priate, Elvis or Gladiator.
He and Val put together an information board telling the story of Sue and Dave and their remarkable work at  the Happy House and told everyone what a great couple they are and how they inspire everyone they meet with their dedication and love.
Val and Alistair, who are very good friends of the Happy House,  raised £900 in cash and £140 via JustGiving. making the current total £1,040.  The JustGiving page is still open for donations and can be found at
Wa fun way of raising money and awareness for our family, thank you so much Alistair and Val and lots of love from Sue, Dave and all the family.


Tuesday 27 December 2011

Sweet gesture

There were goody bags for every children when Santas from the Imperial Bank paid a seasonal call at the Happy House.
Mama Sue said they every kindly took along sweets for the children, plus a bale of flour, a sack of rice, sugar and nappies.
Our delighted kids sang a special thank you to all the visitors.

Monday 26 December 2011

Santa came to call

Santa, the REAL Santa, parked his sleigh in the bush and walked in the heat to make a very special delivery to our Happy House kids,
All adamant that Papa Dave doubled as Santa they were says Mama Sue dumbfounded when Santa arrived, with Papa Dave right behind him.
" Especially Oscar. He was just stunned!
"He kept looking at Santa like a rabbit caught in the headlights, we left his present till the last, he kept looking and looking, when his name was called he was rooted to the spot.
"We asked later: Now do you believe in Santa? He does!" 
Mama Sue,  one of Santa's little helpers with Aunties Lynn and Coral, added: 
"It was just lovely, the kidz all had new clothes and another present, they were thrilled.
" I loved it when little ones kept coming for their bag opening or a box with a doll in, it was a lovely, laughing, loving family together."
Mistletoe is not something you'll find in Kenya, but, who needs an excuse and, yes, Santa was caught sneaking a seasonal kiss from Mama!
When Santa finally departed to continue his round-the-world duties, he left bbehind very excited and happy children who spent the rest of the day enjoying trying their new clothes and gifts, a special meal of sausages and mash followed by tropical fruit salad, and playing games.
A very, very happy day.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Waking up on Christmas morning to the excitement and expectations of a wonderful day ahead is making magical memories of childhood for our very special kids.
For those who have joined our family in 2011, today is their very first Christmas free from fear, hunger or worry.
And it will also be the first time they have received gifts and celebrated this important day.
At her Happy House, Mama Sue has realised her dream of putting hope into the hearts of children - children who, without her love and vision, would have been struggling for survival in a harsh world of poverty, sorrow and squalor.
Her gift to them is the gift of life itself.
Thank you Mama Sue  for allowing us to share in this incredible journey of love and dedication, and a very happy Christmas to you, Papa Dave and all the family.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Twas the day before Christmas ...

The tree is trimmed, there's tinsel and glitter in every corner and the Happy House scene is set for Christmas.
Add 53 excited children and you can just imagine the atmosphere as everyone gears up to the big day.
With only hours to go until Santa's arrival, the kids are in for a shock. They think their beloved Papa Dave just happens to double up at Santa, but, of course, we know better...
And when Santa does drop in whilst out on his worldwide travels, their Papa will be waiting for him with them.
Gifts galore
The gifts you have been so kindly sending for your sponsor child and for other children have been arriving steadily over the weeks and we are so grateful to everyone for their kindness. You have ensured that every child will have a new outfit of clothes and a couple of other gifts when Santa delivers tomorrow.
But as you can imagine it's not possible to take pictures of every child with every item sent... you know what it will be like with 53 children opening their presents at the same time!  It would be too tall an order and we know you'll just want to kids and all the family to have fun and enjoy a happy family day. 
There will be plenty of pictures of our children having a wonderful day and Sue and the family want to say a huge thank you to all of you, our special friends, for your constant love and support throughout 2011.
Merry Christmas.